Wednesday, August 6, 2008

surgery a success

3:10 PM I just met with the surgeon, Dr Fong. He said everything went well, the remaining tissue in her mouth looked good, it was enough to suture some of it and some will just heal on it's own. The neck dissection was good too, took out some lymph nodes and they will be biopsied and we will know the results next week. Radiation could be an option just to make sure all the microvascullar cancer is gone. Diane will have a feeding tube for a several days so it gives her throat time to heal, and the Dr. expects her to come home Fri or Sat. I haven't seen my honey yet, but I will send her all sorts of love and support from everyone. Here's to a quick and full recovery! Also a big thanks to Chris from the Creek hanging out with me this morning, it was a pleasure to hang with you and get to know you, Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Jim,Diane, Brian, Danielle and of course my other "son" Tyler,
Glad to hear that the surgery went well. You are in our prayers and thoughts for a speedy recovery and a clean and clear bill of health.
We are keeping up with things online but as you know we will be here to help in any way. Take care and Jim give Diane our love.
Many hugs to you all,
Beth Alex Sam and Starbuck
P.S. Tyler I have a new bag of peanut butter cups!
Sending love! Stay positive!

Anonymous said...

Jim thank you for keeping us so informed, it is a pleasure to be allowed and able to be a part of the healing process. The surgery outcome sounds like good news (I know it is all relative) and we are constantly praying for a miracle! We can't wait to see her smiling face again. Diane, you go girl!
Joe, Terrilynn & Sophia Genovese

Jenny Warner said...

thanks for the update! We love you and are praying for all of you!
Jenny, Chris, Audra and Emme

Powells said...

Thanks Jim for the updates. I have been thinking about all of you today and praying for a successful surgery. (Even my Grandmother in Memphis is praying for Diane; she's really good at it!) We're sending love and strength!
Julie, Mark, Kira, Cassidy & Camille

Anonymous said...

Jim and Diane. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you peace to heal. Bill & Emily S.

joyce said...

Diane, Jim and Kids,
Congratulations on today's success! We look forward to more good news as Diane recovers. Your league of supporters will have her in their thoughts and will provide you all the positive energy and synergy you need to help Diane regain her perfect health!
Our hearts are with you all,
Joyce, Glen, Niels and Blair Thomas

Tiffany said...

Diane, Jim, Brian, Tyler, and Danielle:

Greg, the kids, and I are hoping for a strong recovery. We are happy to hear that the surgery went well, and hope that Diane can come home soon. We'll be signing on as helpers shortly. Much love to you all.


karenc said...

You know how I feel about the two of you and the kids. I could feel Gary's prayers with Diane all day and with the surgeon during the operation. He loved you both so much. (My prayers were in there too with everyone else's, but he has a ringside seat). Please give my love to Diane when you can, and Jim - get some rest!
I love you all,

Anonymous said... sounds good so far. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Jackie & John Seidell

Anonymous said...

Jim, Diane, and precious family, Our prayers have been answered thus far, so we will keep on praying for a clean bill of health and a speedy recovery. What a wonderful group of friends you have...but that does not surprize me because of who you are. We love you. Deidre and Loren

Anonymous said...

Jim--we are so glad to hear the surgery went well! Keeping you all in our prayers. Please let Diane know we send hugs!

Cindy Mohn Lehmann said...

Bouquets of best wishes. Thanks for the news. Full speed ahead. From the "helium" chipmunk, Cindy & Ernie, too

Anonymous said...

We are so relieved to hear that the surgery was a success. Please call on us if there is ANYTHING you need. Give Diane a hug for me and know that we are thnking about all of you. The Fellermans