Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 3

Diane has begun figuring out several things: She is going through the wringer with recovery, sometimes being in pain and very uncomfortable with all the IV's and tubes inserted in her and with the coughing, which she is trying not to swallow because of all the surgery done in her mouth. The Doc stated "it's like a big scab on your knee, so it is oozing from the large incision". Yech. (Hope you aren't eating anything at your computer reading this.)
She has also figured out that if she switched from morpine to vicodine that her nausciousness will go away. She is beginning to sleep a little more at a time, (2 hr intervals), and we actually went on a little "walk" up and down the nurses corridor last night. The nurses at Kaiser have been absolute angels, very attentive and helpful, what a job they have! Most of the time they are trying to detangle all of the tubes and IV drips that are attached to the various machines hanging on a pole next to the bed. We have ice packs on the back of Diane's neck (which helps her feel better), ice packs on her forehead and those need changing every so often, which the nurses do gladly. The nurse was from Belarus, so when the Olympic opening ceremony was on TV last night, we watched the Belarus athletes come in to the stadium. What an amazing ceremony that was, though it was hard for Diane to look up at the TV.
Diane also has figured out that it is not going to be an easy recovery, but she is going to do it with strength and determination (with small bouts of sorrow and helplessness thrown in), God's help and support, and all of her family and friends love. There were moments of feeling OK, along with moments of her saying "this sucks"
One highlight was her actually telling me to TAKE A PICTURE of her, so we could send it to the kids!! So there she is, in her hospital bed, wearing a Kaiser issued smock, a yellow tube up her nose, two tubes coming out her neck, unable to smile on her left side, and posing for the camera! PRICELESS! I am going to sell the image to the highest bidder! Ha


Anonymous said...

Jim and Diane, This is a wonderful way to check in on our sweet patient. We all know that you are going through all this with that beautiful smile on your face and that great attitude. And Jim, leave it to you to throw in a funny now and then. You are amazing! I found a precious little trinket for Diane. Even if it is a drop it off at the door, I will get it to her this week. Always on our minds, and always in our prayers...We love you, Deidre and Loren

Photographing Children said...

Dear Jim and Diane,

Sounds like you guys are hanging in there, baby steps!
Great visual of Di - I can just see that half-smile.

We just spent the evening with an old friend who went through this kind of hell two or three years ago and I kept staring at her all night thinking of how beautiful and radiant and happy she looked. It was hard to remember her days of early recovery. I think her survival and triumph really shows in her spirit and she is more beautiful than ever.

I am visualizing that in Diane's future. I know that doesn't help probably as you struggle to tweak out the positive right now; but Diane, you are such a survivor and I pray that you heal really fast and furiously!

It's amazing how fast they have you walking the corridors, but I suppose that is the best way to built up your circulation and get you home to your babies.

Sending so much love your way and can't wait to get the word that you can (and WANT to ) see you buds.

In the meantime, feeeeeeeel the love.

Ginny,Will and Gracie