Monday, August 18, 2008

Surgery set for Thursday AM

Diane's third surgery is set for this Thursday morning, at Walnut Creek Kaiser. They are going to remove some cancerous tissue off the top of her throat. Not a lot, according to the surgeon, so hopefully Di will be released the same day and will be able to come home to recuperate further.
She is sleeping pretty good now, she is still on a feeding tube, so it's been a liquid diet for almost two weeks now. We all tried a shot of her liquid "ensure" and it actually doesn't taste too bad - kinda like a vanilla malt.
Her drain tubes are out, the holes are healing fine, the bandgae from her neck incision was removed and it doesn't look TOO bad, but it is very sore and hard. I think if I give her hickeys on the other side of neck, it would look even, whadya think???
Mentally and emotionally, we are both doing much better than last Friday, I think this next surgery will be not as bad as the previous two. radiation is about 4 weeks out, so it will give Diane time to heal and get her body in good shape for that phase. Diane just read what i typed and she said "make sure you thank EVERYBODY for the positive thoughts, prayers, and notes.
We feel so blessed to have such a warm, thoughtful and caring group of friends, going through this ordeal is not easy, but we know we are not alone, and your support makes it a easier road, by far.


joyce said...

You go girl and guy!  Sometimes the shock of the news just takes a bit to get through...then you prepare for the next steps and put that first foot forward.  You guys are a great team!

Jim, I put a link to Diane's blog on Glen's blog.  It's a pretty cool tool under "gadgets."  I know a lot of his friends would like to follow her progress and are sending her their positive thoughts.  This way they can read for themselves about Diane and her incredible spirt and family! Hugs,joyce and glen

Cindy Mohn Lehmann said...

Diane, Jim & Kiddos, You are all under our protective thoughts, care and prayer umbrella. Just caught up to your Friday blog on Sunday evening & have kept you even closer in our thoughts since. Thanks for the update & glad to know you'll be much closer to home this time. Also good to read that your healing is progressing well and radiation doesn't start for a while yet.

Will forward an article by Lisa Kogan, "Spectacular women - why they made this list", from, who else but, Both of you will appreciate much of the content. Love, C & E

Photographing Children said...

HICKEYS, Jim, I vote for the Hickeys! Big hugs,
Ginny and Grace (Will in absentia from Buenos Aires!