Monday, September 28, 2009

News Update

To update everyone on Diane's health, let's back up a few months. Early spring of this year, things were going very well, health wise, Diane was going about her life in a very happy, positive way, because of all the support of her friends and family. A routine mammogram detected something in her left breast, so a biopsy was performed. This turned out to be pre cancerous cells in her breast, and after conferring with the doctors at Kaiser, decide on a bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstructive surgery at the same time. At the same time her other lymph node on the other side of her neck was bothering her, so she was concerned about that, and that is how her whole ordeal started last year at about the same time. Dr Fong decided to do a needle biopsy on her neck, and the results came back inconclusive so a PET scan was ordered. Back and forth to Kaiser we went, preparing for the double mastectomy on Sept 14, and going through the series of tests for her neck. We should have our own parking spot there.
Forward to today: Diane came through the surgery with flying colors! No nauseousness, not much pain, and having to take it real easy for two weeks made her a bit stir crazy. We had a few neighbors help out on the meals, and the kids and her WONDERFUL husband really stepped up to help with the day to day chores and errands. The test results from her needle biopsy/petscan/tonsil biopsy all turned out cancer free, so we have a lot to be thankful for.
So that's it - in a long nutshell, - life is good, Diane continues to go to Dr, Fong every 5-6 weeks for follow up on her throat, and she sees Dr Tina Smith, who was fabulous, for follow up on her breasts, or her "new girls" as Diane calls them. Anyone care to see photos??

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New update! Wow

OK, we just had a wonderful dinner at Glen and Joyce Thomas' house, and it was a quick but very momentous occasion when Diane and Glen actually got to meet each other in person! I enjoyed watching that and knowing what they both have gone through, and to actually sit down and chat together was very nice to watch. There was about 8 - 10 couples at his dinner, and to just enjoy the company, the great meal and wine, and to sit down and talk among friends was truly enjoyable! What a great evening tonight. Lots of laughs, (and wine) and good friends. Thanks Glen and Joyce! We also talked about our blogs, and they quickly reminded me that our blog STILL said Merry Christmas! So I am now updating it, if you are still checking in.
Diane just the other day said "wow, I think my saliva is almost back to normal". It's these little milestones that happen that still remind me of what she went through. She doesn't need to bring her water bottle with her everywhere she goes now. Yeay!
Talking with Joyce and Glen, and discussing how the blogs helped with going through the whole process was good, I would recommend this to anyone going through any treatment. Glen also mentioned it helped knowing that people cared, sent their thoughts and wishes, and that made a big difference knowing that. I agreed!