Saturday, November 1, 2008


The photo is from the Russell wedding we all attended last week. What an amazing event!

Diane is s -l -o -w -l -y starting to eat, a few bites of this, and a few sips of soup. To me, this is a great step, though small, it is still a step. She is still napping, feeling tired a lot, but , trying to be the eternal optimist, I am seeing some little small steps forward. Visually, she still looks amazingly beautiful, people tell me "I just saw Diane today, SHE LOOKS GREAT!". I know she does, I see it all the time. I still belong to the Hot Wives Club, (HWC) and I know the the inside of her body is where all the pain and healing is taking place. There will be day when the inside and outside are both beautiful!

I took Danielle out for Halloween, rode the pedicab all over the neighborhood, it was her chariot and she was Cleopatra.

I am going to be sore tomorrow from riding! Well worth it though!


Anonymous said...

Proof that a picture is worth a thousand words!!!! Love C & E

Jenny Warner said...

looking gorgeous as always fidelibus family! and so great to be past the treatments!

Jennie in Aussie Land said...

Hi All, I finally found out how to place a comment on your blog...don't laugh, I am a computer cripple. So glad to read that you are well on the way to recovery Diane. I will never take eating for granted again. Our thoughts are with you every day and we pray for you. Love to you and those gorgeous growing kids. How big they have gotten. Love from the Aussie Johnsons.XXXX