Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's "almost" over ver 2.0

Well as I sit here Wednesday night, thinking of Diane's recovery, not much has changed with her health or situation, except a slight emotional depression since she is, well, still feeling crummy.
I think she wants to feel better quicker than it is taking, she is very tired of drinking the vanilla & chocolate drinks, but everything tastes so bitter, it's even hard to drink those.
She still takes naps during the day, a goes out just a bit here and there before she gets tired again. She told me to tell everyone she is sorry if she had not returned your E-mail, she likes reading them, but to try and sit here and type away is just too much right now.
A little more coughing, perhaps because the tissue in her mouth is slowly recovering, and sometimes she has these coughing attacks in the middle of the night so she ends up sleeping sitting up in the big chair in the family room.
On a good note, (and there are good times too!) the whole family went to the wedding of Larry and Julie Russells' son, Brent, who married Ashley, and we updated our family photo! (Thanks Robert Picton)! A new photo will be up loaded soon. Diane stayed for the wedding and social hour, but started to feel crummy again and went home. I photographed the whole thing, so was there till the end. A great wedding!!!
So, hopefully "a day at a time recovery" will be apparent soon. We just aren't seeing it yet. (But I'm sure it's there)

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