Friday, October 24, 2008

It's "almost" over

Diane with Maria, and holding a diploma and her mask she had to wear.
She got to bring it home, ask to see it! (Halloween, anyone??)

Today was Diane's last day of her 5 week radiation treatments. Whew.... For me, it was a relief, but more importantly, it was a sense of gratitude that I felt. A gratitude that our fellow human beings have the knowledge that can pinpoint the cancer, surgically remove it and radiate the surrounding area, so that the cancer is completely gone. Just how cool is that?

Our friend Glen Thomas also got wonderful news that he is cancer free, he also went through an intense treatment this past year, so it was great news to read today. His blog is listed on the right of this column. Way to go Glen!

Diane and I also have a deep sense of appreciation and love for everyone who has offered a meal, wrote a quick note, gave a call and just sent their support. It is so comforting and emotionally rewarding to know that you care. Thank you. We are all almost through this. A good friend just told me tonight "I can't wait to have my Diane back" and I think that slowly, but surely, every single day, we are going to see a little bit more of "our Diane" coming back, and a little less of the "ill Diane".

The next week will probably be the same routine, a lot of daytime naps and still in some pain and unable to eat, drymouth and some coughing, but little by little, hour by hour, day by day, she is slowly recovering. And that's the best thing to be greatful for!


joyce said...

Congratulations to you all! We'll be thinking about you as Diane continues to rest, regain her strength and recuperate. It sure sounds like you have all kept your sense of humor during this blip of time. Keep laughing together and before you know it...she'll be back! Look out world!
joyce and glen

Cindy Mohn Lehmann said...

Yea!!!! Best thoughts, congrats & our love to the Fidelibus clan. Thanks for the update on Glen, too. We're thrilled to hear the good news all around.

Cindy & Ernie

Anonymous said...

Dear Diane and Jim,

Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on the progress. I am so happy that Di is finished with the radiation. Life will be easier again. I am happy to hear the news from your friend Glen. Positive news for the future.
Love, Judy