Thursday, November 20, 2008

Slowly but Surely, It's Almost Over

Since our trip back from Yosemite, I have noticed an "almost" return to normal for our family. Diane is eating a bit more, her taste buds are slowly coming back, she is trying new food items and saying "I can taste a little bit of this". Things aren't as bitter or sour tasting as they were before, and it is SO COOL to see her back to eating salad, oatmeal, pizza, raisins, freshly juiced fruit drinks, chicken and mashed potatoes. And that's all for her breakfast one morning! (just kidding).
The other night was a rare occurence where Diane and I and all 3 kids were home for dinner AT THE SAME TIME! And we all sat down at the dinner table and actually had a real nice meal, with the whole family conversing and enjoying each other's company. To me, this was just heaven, one of the simple pleasures of life that you thoroughly enjoy and savor. Diane and I both said, "we have GOT to do this more often!"
I am seeing little cameos of everyday life sneaking back into our world, and I couldn't be happier.
Well, I could be happier if it weren't for this damn recession, but that's a different subject. My wonderful wife is recovering quite well, I have the best children in the world, and I love what I do for a living. As my sister Maria says, "just living a dream!"
Is it "over"? After having cancer, it is hard to say it is over. Your life is changed. You are a survivor, and after going through this whole ordeal and treatment since last Spring I think I can say the worst is over and it's a lot closer to normal than ever before. We thank God and all our family and friends for the amazing amount of love, support, and concern that was shared and given to us. I honestly think it helped Dianes' journey through all this knowing she had such wonderful support and friends that were there for her.
Every day is a blessing, every hour is a gift, every minute of life is special, so embrace this time as much as you can, enjoy your journey, and tell your loved ones how you feel about them!


Photographing Children said...


Gene and Mary Muse said...

Diane and Jim,
Thanks for keeping me up to date. It is so true, the small things are the best! Dinner with family, time together in nature. I love you all, so glad to hear the good news. Mary Muse

Anonymous said...

And, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family & wonderful friends celebrating our many blessings today and always. Love, C & E