Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time in a Bottle

21 years ago Diane and I walked down a grass path in Yosemite Valley. It was a beautiful sunny day and before 130 of our friends and family we gave our vows and declared our love for each other. You think on your wedding day how much you love each other, never to realize it is just the start, and over the years it just continues to grow in many ways, on such a deep level. When I look back the past 7,476 days, the love is just continuing to enrich both of our lives. That is what is keeping us going through this difficult time, along with the help of God and you, our friends. We just looked at our wedding photo album from 21 years ago, and gave each other a deep lingering hug and Diane said "what a great life we've had so far" and after agreeing with her I responded " and we will continue to do so". Once in a while it's wonderful to see how blessed, how lucky we really are. People in Africa think you are really rich if you drive a car. They walk for hours for their daily water, where we just lift a lever. Having an incredible wife, an abundance of food, a warm loving home, and three wonderful children, I feel like the richest man in the world, even though the paycheck has been a little smaller lately!

21 years! Yeayyyyy!


joyce said...

Wow. What a wonderful anniversary gift. Diane, you are a lucky girl and Jim, just keep making her feel like a million bucks because she's going to need your support in these next weeks. Together you will get through this and there will be many more special deep, meaningful moments and years together. You have given us all a gift with your blog post by sharing your wisdom and love. Thanks.

joyce and glen
PS You have us beat by two years! We're just honeymooners compared to you two!

Photographing Children said...

I love this photograph and love remembering being there at Yosemite with you as you said your vows. This journal you are keeping is such a wonderful reminder to us all to treasure the moments we have, whether we are facing physical challenges or not. None of us know when our time is up and the best thing we can do while we are here is to recognize, honor and express our love for one another. Will and I treasure you, Diane and Jim, and appreciate your openness and vulnerability during this time. Happy Anniversary. You will both have our prayers and thoughts this week and as you go through Di's treatments. Love you to pieces. Ginny

Gene and Mary Muse said...

I love the picture... of course this is before Jim made his name in photography (I assume). You are definitely soul mates. Love you and of course, as always, hang in there baby. You are top of mind!