Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Almost back to "normal"

Life is pretty darn sweet these days, Diane is feeling good, sleeping well, eating well, and is not coughing, or going "Errr-Umm" as much as she used to. (I totally ignore her now when she does that, hope she is not trying to get my attention). She is going to meet with the radiation Doctor today to set up that whole process, but right now, every day, we are blessed with life, and it is wonderful! Great weather, kids are happy and in school, the house is somewhat organized, and the laundry is now being sorted correctly. (I didn't know you couldn't mix colored and whites!)
I tried not to name very many people to thank on this blog, because there are so many helping out, but I have to give a big thumbs up to Kathy Fuller for putting together the calendar and coordinating everyone, and also a big tip of the hat to Jessamyn and Robert Picton for moving into our house when Diane was in the hospital for a week, putting their busy life on hold, and helping out with the kids, the food, and just about everything else we needed. Thank you, thank you and thank you!

A big "YES" to Glen Thomas for finishing his treatments yesterday! Way to go Glen! Diane talked to Glen last night and we have to say what a wonderful positive influence he was with Di, even when he was going through his chemo/radiation. His blog is listed to the right of this column and we've been thinking of him a lot. Get well soon!


Cindy Mohn Lehmann said...

Great news!!! Ditto & thanks to Kathy Fuller & the Picton's for the fantastic organization. Early anniversary greetings & best wishes. Love, C & E

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane and Jim,
Of course, thank you so very much for the updates. I appreciate knowing how to pray through your struggles. You have brought me closer than ever to knowing and feeling the wonderful mercies of Jesus. OK... enough about Him. Your cheerfulness and humor filled attitude helps everyone involved in this struggle, I feel like one of those crazy sports fans watching TV and moving my body involuntarily to the physical action. I could only do this by your willingness to be open, vulnerable and sharing details. I love you both,
Mary Muse

joyce said...

You looked maaavelous at LL the other night. Such spirit and full of smiles and hugs! Thanks to you and Jim both for your continued support of Glen. We are all on the road to recovery!

Photographing Children said...

Sending love your way and am so inspired by your beautiful grasp of the "moment." That's all any of us have. I love seeing that beautiful Diane /radiant smile and love in her eyes. I have never really subscribed to the "gift" concept of these kinds of challenges, but I do believe attitude counts ALOT. You both are really stepping up to the bat showing us that courage and heart always wins. xxx