Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunny Summer Sunday

Saturday we celebrated Danielle's 9th birthday, she had two friends come over in the afternoon for swimming and a dinner (she wanted tri tip and ravioli!) and a sleepover. Diane was happy to enjoy the festivities, however she got tired in the evening with all the energy and excitement of family and friends visiting. The social creature that she is, she did her best, but it wore her out.

Saturday evening she slept VERY well, while I stayed up late with Tyler watching USA get the gold medal in basketball! YAYYY !!!

Today (Sunday) is almost like a typical lazy summer Sunday, after sleeping in late, I took the girls out for a sailboat ride on our lake, which makes you enjoy the scenery and outdoors in a calm, relaxed setting. There are the typical household chores to do, along with other outdoor projects that are always nagging at me, but today, just for today, we decided to just let ourselves have a break, and enjoy the day, our life and what we have to be thankful for. (Which is a lot).

Diane is beginning to sip water a little easier, working up to soup and broth, which is a little tougher on her poor stomach. The feeding tube is going to come out this week, Thursday if not sooner, and then she will hopefully feel up to actually going out! (Lookout Broadway Shopping Center). She is still sore in her throat, and it hurts to talk a lot, but every day, a little bit better.

Excuse me now, while I go outside and enjoy the day....


joyce said...

And what a glorious summer Sunday to enjoy!  I'm glad you stopped to smell the roses!  Stay the course pointing in the direction of complete recovery and many lazy Sundays to come...joyce and glen

Cindy Mohn Lehmann said...

Couldn't have said it better. Sunday was a beautiful day, indeed, meant to be enjoyed and savored.


Anonymous said...

Diane and all,
Continued prayers for a full recovery. Glad to hear the positive progress! You have the strength.
Much Love,
Beth Alex Sam and Starbuck

Unknown said...

Hi Diane, Jim and family,
It has been glorious typical california weather. Pulling off feeling sketchy and a girl's birthday party was a great feat. Another gold medal for Diane! No kicking the referee, by the way. I hope you don't feel the huge hole the Olympics left like me. Please let us know if you need help with rides to school, or gym.
Love you,
Mary and Gene
925 906 9296 or Gene Cell 925 788 6390 (you can pass this out to Mr. T.)

Meritage House of Photography said...

Just writing to say that our hearts are with you Diane!

With lots of love,

Michael and Leslie Gan