Thursday, August 28, 2008

No Feeding Tube! ~ It's gone!

This afternoon at home Tyler (taking after his Dad's sense of humor) put a bunch of straws together from his nose to a glass of milk and said "Look Mom, I'm just like you!
Then it was off to Kaiser to meet Dr. Fong and have her feeding tube removed, after 3 weeks of a liquid diet!

Doesn't she look GREAT??? Yum
Dr Fong said her throat is healing very well, she now has to start eating soft food. She stopped by the studio to get some frozen yogurt next door, so I took her picture. (No photoshopping done, she really looks that good in person!) Dr Fong will also see her every 4 to 6 weeks for the next year to keep a close watch on her. She is not using the ice packs on her neck very much, not using the pain medication as much, so now the only pain in her neck is me! The kids are back in school now!
She is still coughing and clearing her throat all the time. I feel like she is trying to get my attention all the time, but I've finally gotten used to it.
So this hurdle has been cleared, Diane starts her 6 week regimen of radiation about mid September. She is feeling better and looking better day by day. The cards, E-mails and notes have been SO helpful in getting through all this, and we can't thank all of you enough for helping out in so many ways. I'll start here: THANK YOU!
We usually host an Ice Cream Social in our neighborhood every Labor Day, and I asked Di if she was up for going to it this year. She said yes, so if you are in the 'hood, please stop by the corner of Lakewood Rd and La Vista Rd. (better known as "the circle" or the "bus stop") on Monday at 7:00 for some ol' fashion Ice Cream and socializing! Bring some Ice Cream or toppings if you wish.


Lost Renee said...

Hope every family's happy!^…^

Photographing Children said...

What great news and what a beee yute eee ful girl.
So great to see Di smiling. Dr. Fong sounds great.
Wish, as always, I were closer. Di - come on down with Danielle and Lexie soon. xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Diane,
You look fantastic. I hope you feel as well as you look. Thank goodness for a kid with a sense of humor. Love, Judy Thanks for the update Jim. Your dedication is so appreciated.XXOO