Thursday, August 21, 2008

Diane's Surgery #3

After spending the day at Kaiser Walnut Creek today, Diane and I are "old pros" at this. She has now been under the surgeon's knife in Antioch, Oakland and Walnut Creek.
The surgery went well, Dr Fong told me it was what he had hoped for, taking off just a little more tissue around the left lateral pharyngeal area.
The cancerous tissue was only on the top layer so he cut out a little more (called a healthy margin). Diane was a trooper throughout the whole ordeal, her main worries were the nurses trying to find a vein to start the IV (She has had several nurses try 3 to 5 times, hurting her poor hand) and when waking up from surgery, feeling very nauseous. The IV needle was a breeze, and when I was able to go see her after the surgery, she was alert, and gave me a nice smile and thumbs up! What a difference from the last time! YAYYY!
I drove her home, she is now resting, and has pain in her throat and a headache, but besides that, "NOT TOO BAD" she stated.
The stress and worry is beginning to diminish a bit, with the (3) surgeries now out of the way, and Diane on the road to recovery, things are looking a bit better than they have.
The next hurdle will be the 6 weeks of radiation, due to start sometime in the middle of September. So for the next couple of weeks we will concentrate on Diane's health getting better day by day, her feeding tube will be removed next week and she will slowly start to swallow soft foods. She is a bit jealous from all the wonderful meals being delivered, (Cobb Salad last night..mmmmm..) and not being able to partake, but maybe that is an incentive for her. To our pastor Kurt from the Creek, a big thank you for coming by last night with your support and prayers, and thanks to all of you for the meals, the groceries, the play dates with Danielle, and my fellow photogs Sherman and Diedre for helping out on my weddings and portraits! We are truly blessed.

1 comment:

Jenny Warner said...

SO glad to hear about today. Been waiting and praying all day long!!! Love you guys!