Sunday, October 5, 2008

Radiation:end of week two

It has now been two weeks, 10 days of treatments, and it's beginning to affect Diane. Her throat is getting very sore, she is losing her sense of taste, (not in husbands, thank God) and more of a dry mouth than before. During one of her treatments this week, she had a tough time being still, her jaw was really twitching, and she ended up crying after the whole experience. The nurses were very helpful and concerned, so now either I or a neighbor goes with her.
I bought her a small pump sprayer, the kind you use for putting chemicals in and spraying around your garden, but we put in a mixture of baking soda and salt, and she sprays it inside of her mouth 4-5 times a day to keep the PH balance so her tissue heals quicker. Maybe she'll let me take a photo of it, it's a site to see her bent over the kitchen sink with a spray wand in her mouth. When this is all done I am going to put some Margaritas in there.
The good news is that she is 40% done, with three more weeks to go. The bad news is that when she is done, that's when the most damage is done to the cells and tissue, and then the recovery begins.
We both know that though this is a tough, painful process, but if it rids the body of cancer, then what's there to complain about? Till next time....

1 comment:

joyce said...

Oh my, what to say except what Glen heard from people who had been through WILL get through it. It WILL end. You WILL recover AND the cancer WILL BE GONE. We are thinking about you and willing our strength to you and to your family. Hang in there everyone. 40% done is a very good thing. You will all get through it...this will end and Diane/wife/mom will be BACK in all her glory!

joyce and glen